Tuesday 2 December 2014

Dog Food Recipes

Today we touch a very important topic for you and your dog ensuring your furry friend stays happy and healthy and that is discussing dog food recipes. With many commercial products available in the market on a daily basis the question is are they healthy and are we really being fair to our pet. Whilst we eat fresh food and are very fussy about what our meal contains are we thinking the same for our four legged friend. 

Dog food recipes coming in the form of canned products include meat from dead, diseased, disabled   Feeding your pet with such content leads to serious illnesses leading to very expenses vet bills and not to mention all the stress and tension to go with it. All you need to do is spend a maximum of 10 minutes every day out of your busy scheduled by preparing your own dog food recipes at home just like you would prepare your own food, at least when you prepare the food you know that your pet is being fed well and also it will be good food  and you will know exactly what content is in your pets daily intake. So homemade dog food recipes are well recommended for your furry four legged friend animals or rotten animal flesh that has already been declared as unsuitable for human consumption. So it’s fair to say that it is unfair to our pet that we feed it with such stuff.

Friday 17 October 2014

Is homemade dog food healthier for your dog?

For many years commercial brand dog food has been very popular with pet owners due to a number of reasons and one of them being is that it’s a ready made meal which you can feed your dog and save time preparing homemade dog food recipes  but the question is are we being fair to our dog and is it really healthy? Today we look at commercial brand and homemade dog food to identify which is really the best for our dogs.

Commercially branded dog food I classify as “Fast Food” so it cannot be healthy as one thinks, they contain ingredients such as meat from dead, dying, diseased and disabled animals which include intestines amongst other waste, chemicals and preservatives. With such content your dog is most likely going to end up with bad health which will result in higher medical bills, so in the long run you will have one sick dog and will be hit hard in the pocket also. I am sure you would not appreciate eating such things yourself so ask yourself is it really fair your furry friend should.It’s not that all commercial products are bad for your dog there are also good ones as well that provide good quality and a balanced diet for your dog so you just need to do a bit of research to see what is available on the shelf that is healthy for your dog. But do remember the cheaper the food the cheaper the ingredients.

My personal and most pet owners choice is homemade dog food recipes and to be honest it takes less time (approx. 10-15 minutes) to prepare homemade dog food than it would take preparing your own food, also with preparing your own homemade dog food you have the option of using fresh and healthy ingredients such as meat/vegetables even fruit so you know that your dog is getting a good and healthy diet. So homemade dog food is always a winner for you and your furry friend.